Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice SPRING 2002 NEWSLETTER Three New Faculty To Join Dept In Fall |
THREE NEW FACULTY TO JOIN DEPT IN FALL After an intensive search, the Department has hired three new faculty–two in criminal justice and one in sociology and anthropology–who will begin teaching in the fall. Gail Caputo is coming from the University of North Texas, but her degrees are homegrown: B.S., M.A., and Ph.D. in Criminal Justice all from Rutgers-Newark. She has also taught at Texas A&M and worked as a senior research associate at the Vera Institute of Justice in New York City. Her research interests include corrections, alternatives to incarceration, and shoplifting. She has helped develop and evaluate programs for offenders on probation. In the fall, Gail will be teaching Confinements and Corrections and a course in the new Master’s in Criminal Justice Program, Policy Analysis in Criminal Justice. |
Cati Coe will be moving down from New Haven, where she works as a classroom ethnographer for the Institute for Community Research. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in the Folklore and Folklife Department, and her B.A. from Wesleyan University. Cati has researched schools and education in diverse settings, and her dissertation research was carried out in Ghana, West Africa. She has taught at the University of Pennsylvania and at Community College of Philadelphia. Cati will teach be teaching Sociology of Education each semester for the Teacher Preparation Program, and will the be department’s main liaison to that important program. She will also be teaching Individual and Society in the fall. |
Michelle Meloy comes to us from Widener University. She received her Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the University of Delaware, her M.A. from Northern Illinois University, and her B.S. from Indiana University. Her research has included sexual offenses and offenders, gender in the justice system, and victimization and victims’ rights. Michelle also brings the experience of having spent several years working as a probation officer and a sex offender supervision specialist in Illinois. In the fall she will be teaching Courts and Criminal Law and Varieties of Crime. |
Preregistration for Fall 2002 Begins April 8th
Click here to submit your Poster Session Title |
Plan to Join the Fourth Annual Poster Session on May 3rd
Plan to present your research this year at the annual Undergraduate Research Poster Session, co-sponsored with the Psychology Department, on Friday, May 3rd, 12:00-1:30 p.m. It looks good on your resume and it’s great fun as well. So save your work and think about how to present it visually in poster format. Last year’s Poster Session attracted over 100 presenters and guests. You need not be a presenter to attend, but if you intend to bring a poster that visually presents your research project, please sign up by filling in the Poster Session Online Form with your name and the title of your poster presentation. That way you will be listed on the printed program. The event is held in the Multi-Purpose Room of the Campus Center. |
Criminal Justice Master’s Program Begins in September The much-anticipated Master’s Program in Criminal Justice will begin in Fall 2002. The program is being instituted in close cooperation with the Department of Public Policy and Administration, and will have a strong administrative skills focus. Applications are currently being accepted. For further information about the program, check out the Master’s Program in Criminal Justice webpage at the departmental website. |
Dept’s Web-Enhanced Curriculum Receives National Recognition The Department’s Web-Enhanced Curriculum, supported by several Dialogues grants from the Office of the Vice-President for Undergraduate Education, recently received national recognition in Footnotes, the newsletter of the American Sociological Association. In its “Spotlight on Departments: An occasional column showcasing accomplishments and innovations in sociology,” Footnotes singled out the department for Enhancing the Curriculum through the Web at The department continues to develop the wide variety of resources available at its website, and has plans for a substantial further expansion in the spring semester. The website is organized around its Departmental Homepage and its Web-Enhanced Curriculum Homepage. Here’s a list of what’s currently available:
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the policies and resources at this site. |
MicroCase Tutors Needed for Fall Semester Drs. Wood, Meyer and Siegel are looking for student assistants to provide MicroCase tutoring to students in various courses, grading of exercises, updating of the MicroCase Resources webpage and assistance in developing online MicroCase tutorials as part of the department’s web-enhanced curriculum. Interested students (who must have completed Dr. Goertzel’s Methods and Techniques of Social Research course) should contact Dr. Wood, Dr. Siegel, or Dr. Meyer. Up to three credits of independent study may be earned. |
All students are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the Department’s E-Mailing List. By subscribing to this list, students will receive timely information about preregistration, developments in the department, recommended lectures and events, etc. All majors and minors in sociology, anthropology and criminal justice are strongly encouraged to subscribe. Just go to and follow the simple instructions. |
April 1, 2002