Department Chair
Laura Napolitano, Associate Professor of Sociology
B.S. Saint Joseph’s University; M.A. & Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Laura Napolitano is the Department Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice at Rutgers–Camden. She is a sociologist of the family who investigates how the daily experiences of low- and middle-income families shape broader patterns of social stratification. She also studies the ways in which adolescents and young adults from less-resourced families encounter, and overcome, structural limitations and unequal social institutions such as the criminal justice and child welfare systems. She has written numerous academic articles and policy briefs. Prior to her appointment at Rutgers, she was a Harold A. Richman Postdoctoral Fellow at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.
Full-Time Faculty
Julio Ángel Alicea (Ah-lee-SAY-Ah), Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A.T., Brown University; M.P.P. and Ph.D., UCLA
Dr. Julio Ángel Alicea joins us from the University of California, Los Angeles, where he earned his Ph.D. in education. His dissertation, “Black in Brown Space: Anti-Blackness at a Latinx-Serving, ‘Social Justice’ School Before and After George Floyd,” was supported by 2022 National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship. Dr. Alicea’s research interests include race and ethnicity, urban studies, organizational theory, and education. His research has been published in journals such as Sociology Compass, Urban Education, and the Urban Review. A critical sociologist and ethnographer, he is working on a book manuscript examining the organizational challenges of Black-Latinx solidarity in an urban school setting following the killing of George Floyd. Dr. Alicea also holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology & anthropology from Swarthmore College, a master’s degree in social studies from Brown University, and a master’s degree in public policy from UCLA.
Ross Allen, Assistant Teaching Professor
BA Rutgers University–Camden
M.A. West Chester University; J.D. Widener University Law School
Ross Allen is the department’s coordinator of off-campus programs and teaches courses on organized crime, white-collar crime, critical issues in criminal justice, and varieties of crime. Mr. Allen has been an adjunct instructor at several local colleges, including Rutgers–Camden, for several years. He has experience in the on-line teaching environment in addition to classroom teaching, and he has also led several learning abroad trips to the United Kingdom, studying comparative criminal justice.
Gail A. Caputo, Professor
B.S., M.A., Ph.D. Rutgers–Newark
Gail Caputo teaches courses in gender and criminal justice. She is the author of various journal articles and book chapters as well as: A Halfway House for Women: Oppression and Resistance, Out in the Storm: Drug-Addicted Women Living as Shoplifters and Sex Workers, Intermediate Sanctions in Corrections, and What’s in the Bag? A Shoplifting Treatment and Education Program. Her early research addressed moral reasoning and intermediate sanctions programs, with a particular focus on shoplifters and community service sentencing. She has been involved both in creating alternatives to incarceration and in their evaluation. Her recent body of research employs a rich intellectual tradition of ethnography to study social issues relevant to criminology and public policy, particularly women in conflict with the law. Before coming to Rutgers–Camden, Dr. Caputo worked at the Vera Institute of Justice as a Senior Research Associate, at the National Council on Crime and Delinquency, and at both Texas A&M and the University of North Texas.
Christina Jackson, Assistant Professor
B.A., Temple University; Ph.D. University of California, Santa Barbara
Dr. Jackson is an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice at Rutgers Camden. She is chair of the Africana Studies program. In 2014, she received her doctorate in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and completed a predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowship in Africana Studies from Gettysburg College. She researches urban space, spatial politics, cultural storytelling, public health, and inequality. As a public sociologist, she has worked as a community facilitator and consultant with numerous state and community partners around jazz history, Black maternal mortality, child welfare, anti-violence, gentrification, housing, food justice, and racial justice. She co-published Black in America: The Paradox of the Color Line, Embodied Difference: Divergent Bodies in Public Discourse and numerous articles and book chapters. Her forthcoming book with Rutgers University press is entitled No More Dual City: The Fate of Atlantic City. Additionally, Dr. Jackson co-produced the documentary, “The Philadelphia Clef Club: A Continuing Legacy.”
Nathan Link, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Graduate Program Director
B.S., The College of New Jersey; M.S.W., Rutgers University; Ph.D. Temple University
Nate Link researches issues in corrections and sentencing, including financial sanctions and debt, prisoner reentry and desistance, and mental/physical health. His projects have been funded by the National Institute of Justice and Arnold Ventures and his work has been published in leading outlets such as Criminology, Social Science & Medicine, Justice Quarterly, Criminal Justice and Behavior, Journal of Experimental Criminology, Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, and The Sociological Quarterly. In 2018 he was the recipient of the Donal MacNamara Award, conferred by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences for “outstanding journal publication.” He teaches the senior capstone course—Ethics and Policy in Criminal Justice—in addition to a newly-designed course called Mass Incarceration, Reentry, and Justice.
Joan Maya Mazelis, Associate Professor of Sociology and Director of the Gender Studies Program
B.A., Binghamton University, M.A. and Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Dr. Mazelis is an Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, an affiliated scholar at Rutgers–Camden’s Center for Urban Research and Education (CURE), and director of the Gender Studies Program. She received her B.A. from Binghamton University of the State University of New York and her M.A. and her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Mazelis teaches courses such as Introduction to Sociology, Sociological Theory, Inequality in the United States, Urban Sociology, and Homelessness and Deep Poverty in the U.S. She was in the inaugural cohort of Civic Engagement Faculty Fellows and received a Chancellor’s Award for Academic Civic Engagement in 2012. She is a recipient of the 2022 Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence at Rutgers–Camden.
Dr. Mazelis specializes in the study of poverty and social ties, using qualitative interview methods to explore the meaning and understanding people have of their own situations. She is the author of Surviving Poverty: Creating Sustainable Ties Among the Poor (2017, NYU Press). Dr. Mazelis is passionate about using research to advance public understandings of important issues and amplifying the voices of those in poverty. In addition to her peer-reviewed scholarship, she is a multiple-award-winning public sociologist: she is a member of the inaugural class of 2022 Public Sociology Award recipients from the Eastern Sociological Society and is the winner of the 2022 Michael Harrington Award from The Poverty, Class, & Inequality Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Dr. Mazelis is currently engaged in a mixed-method longitudinal research study, funded by the National Science Foundation, on student loan debt, the transition to adulthood, and the intergenerational transmission of inequality.
Michelle Meloy, Professor
B.S., Indiana University, Bloomington; Ph.D. University of Delaware
Michelle Meloy is Professor of Criminal Justice and Associate Dean for the Graduate School and Research. She served as director of the graduate program in criminal justice until 2019. She teaches Gender Advocacy and Juvenile Justice and has taught Victimology, Gender, Crime and Justice, and Social Justice in Film. Her research has appeared in numerous journal articles and she is the author of two books: Sex Offenses and The Men Who Commit Them and The Victimization of Women: Law, Policies, and Politics.
Kimberlee Sue Moran, Associate Teaching Professor 
A.B. Bryn Mawr College; MSc University College London
Kimberlee Sue Moran is a forensic archaeologist and teaches courses in both of those fields. Her archaeological research includes ancient fingerprints, the Whispering Woods site in Salem, NJ, and the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia also known as “The Arch Street Project”. Kimberlee has worked on a number of forensic cases in a range of capacities. She provides forensic services to legal professionals and regularly runs training workshops for local law enforcement. She helped to launch the JDI Centre for the Forensic Sciences in 2010 and has run an educational organization, Forensic Outreach, since 2004. Kimberlee is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and served for seven years on the Crime Scene Investigation sub-committee of the NIST-led Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC). Her forensic research includes taphonomic studies, fingerprint development and enhancement, environmental trace evidence, and the interface of forensic archaeology and crime scene investigation. Kimberlee is passionate about public outreach, STEM education, and science in the service of justice. In 2021 she was awarded both the Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence for NTT faculty and the Rutgers Presidential Teaching Award.
Kayla Preito-Hodge, Assistant Professor
B.A., Boston College; Ph.D. University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Dr. Kayla Preito-Hodge is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice at Rutgers University-Camden. Her research and teaching explores the intersections of race, policing, organizations, and the larger criminal justice system. Dr. Preito-Hodge earned her BA in sociology from Boston College (14’) and her Ph.D in sociology from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst (20’). Dr. PH is an avid supporter of criminal and juvenile justice reform.
Daniel Semenza, Associate Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
Ph.D. Emory University
Dr. Semenza joined the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice in 2018 after completing his Ph.D. in sociology at Emory University under the direction of Robert Agnew. Dr. Semenza is also appointed in the Department of Urban-Global Public Health at the School of Public Health. He is additionally the Director of Interpersonal Violence Research at the New Jersey Gun Violence Research Center at Rutgers and a faculty researcher with the Regional Gun Violence Research Consortium at the Rockefeller Institute of Government at SUNY. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of firearm violence, health disparities, and gun violence prevention. He has published extensively in journals that span numerous fields including criminology and criminal justice, public health, sociology, and medicine. His research has been featured in the New York Times, LA Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Boston Globe, Star Ledger, Scientific American, The Trace, Prevention Magazine, PBS, NPR, CBS Face the Nation, NewsNation, Fox News, and ABC Action News. He currently teaches courses on urban gun violence, juvenile delinquency, violence in society, and criminological theory.
Richard Stansfield, Associate Professor
Ph.D. University of Delaware
Richard Stansfield teaches Theories of Crime & Delinquency in addition to courses on courts and the criminal justice system. Prior to Rutgers University–Camden, Dr. Stansfield worked as Research Analyst for the State of Oregon and the Oregon State Hospital, where he was involved in risk assessment research. He continues to conduct risk assessment research with domestic violence offenders. In addition to intimate partner violence and homicide, his research interests focus on recidivism and reentry; and race, ethnicity, and immigration. His work has appeared in a variety of journals, including Criminology; Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency; Justice Quarterly; American Journal of Public Health; Journal of Criminal Justice; Criminal Justice & Behavior.
Christopher Thomas, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
Ph.D. City University of New York Graduate Center/John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Dr. Christopher Thomas earned his Ph.D. in criminal justice from the City University of New York Graduate Center/John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where he wrote the dissertation “The Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Pretrial Justice.” Before coming to Rutgers, he was a Postdoctoral Scholar in Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Sentencing at Pennsylvania State University. His work has appeared in journals such as Race and Justice, Social Science Research, Journal of Criminal Justice, Punishment & Society, and Law & Inequality.
Sarah Tosh, Assistant Professor
Ph.D. City University of New York
Sarah Tosh joined the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice in 2019 after receiving her PhD in Sociology from the Graduate Center, CUNY. Her research examines the punitive intersections between drug, crime, and immigration policy in the United States; and she teaches courses on inequality in criminal justice, migration and deportation, drugs and society, the sociology of deviance, and criminal justice research methods. Dr. Tosh’s book, The Immigration Law Death Penalty: Aggravated Felonies, Deportation, and Legal Resistance was published in 2023 by New York University Press. From 2021-2023, she was the co-PI of a National Science Foundation-funded study of “The Criminal Deportation Pipeline in New York City.”
In Memoriam
Ann Adalist-Estrin
Director of the National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated at Rutgers – Camden and a lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice for the last ten years, passed away after a battle with chronic illness. Ann was a tireless advocate for children and families and was named a White House Champion for Change in 2013. She was also an excellent teacher and will be missed by many of her friends, colleagues and students at Rutgers – Camden and beyond.
Adjunct Faculty
Walter Campbell ( Walter Campbell earned his Ph.D. and MA in Criminal Justice from Rutgers University and his MS in Criminology from the University of Pennsylvania. He has taught numerous elective courses, including Innovative Policing Strategies; Drugs, Crime and Punishment; Issues in Drug Epidemics; and Violent Crime. He is also an associate/scientist at Abt Associates, where he works on both quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis for criminal justice projects and has led and assisted in quasi-experimental designs to identify the impact of various criminal justice programs. His research at Abt focuses on issues in reentry, including treatment, housing, and community supervision practices. His dissertation and research conducted during his Ph.D. explored issues in policing, focusing on racial and ethnic disparities and the impact that changes in tactics have on these disparities.”
Joanna Cohen Kallan ( earned her Ph.D. in sociology from Temple University. Her dissertation focused on the experiences of parents with infants in neonatal intensive care. She teaches Introduction to Sociology, Sociology of the Family, Methods and Techniques of Social Research and Medical Sociology.
Joseph DaGrossa ( received his BA from St. Joseph’s University, a degree in counseling from LaSalle University, and his Ph.D. in criminal justice from Temple University. He currently is a federal probation officer with the US District Court in Camden. He teaches methods and techniques of social research, theories of crime and delinquency, and ethics and policy plus electives in community corrections.
Courtney Harding (
Bryn Herrschaft-Eckman ( holds a BA in psychology and sociology from New York University and both an MA and Ph.D. in criminal justice from Rutgers University-Newark. She currently works as a senior research associate at the Institute for State and Local Governance and has over 10 years of applied research experience in policy, evaluation, and performance measurement focusing on criminal justice, public health, and social justice initiatives. Dr. Herrschaft-Eckman’s research interests include program and policy evaluation, risk assessment, gender and the criminal justice system, and corrections and community corrections. She has been teaching as a part-time lecturer at Rutgers Camden since 2010 and teaches courses in ethics and policy, community corrections, theories of crime and delinquency, and other criminal justice and sociology courses.
Augustine Isamah ( earned both his Ph.D. and B.S. at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria. For several years he was a “Presidential Fellow” at Temple University and is now on the faculty of Montgomery Community College. He is the author of the book, The Social Determinants of Labor Productivity, and many articles on child labor, structural adjustment policies, health and local knowledge, and other subjects. Dr. Isamah teaches Sociology of the Family, Race and Ethnicity, Introduction to Sociology, Poor Minorities and Justice, and other sociology courses.
Patrick F. McCarty, MA ( is an adjunct instructor of Anthropology at Rutgers University–Camden, where he has taught courses in Cultural Anthropology, The Anthropology of American Culture, Anthropological Theory, North American Indians, Theories of Crime & Delinquency, and Juvenile Justice for the past 22 years. He earned his MA. in Cultural Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and his certificate in Museum Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where he has also done post-graduate work. He has also worked in research and exhibits at The University of Nebraska State Museum, the Milwaukee Public Museum, and the American Museum of Natural History. He is a past recipient of a Regent’s Fellowship from the University of Nebraska & the Nebraska Educational Television Council for Higher Education. Professor McCarty’s areas of research are male transient subculture and Native American culture.
Kevin J. Murphy (
Cynthia Saltzman ( holds a B.A. from Bennington College and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Columbia University. She has been a research director and consultant at a variety of institutions, and has been active in the American Anthropological Association and other professional organizations. She has published widely on women and work, as well as Jewish identity and folklore. She teaches courses in both anthropology and sociology, including Childhood and Culture, Women and Men in Society, Sociology of Work and Careers and Anthropology of American Culture.
Brenna Stone ( holds a B.A. in psychology and criminal justice from Rutgers-Camden and a M.S. in criminology from the University of Pennsylvania. She currently serves as a crime analyst for a local police department. At Rutgers-Camden, she teaches courses on the death penalty, hate crime, and intelligence analysis.
Tracy Anne Swan ( holds a B.A. from Oberlin College and an M.P.A.-M.A. from Rutgers Camden. She is the senior project coordinator at the Walter Rand Institute of Public Affairs. She teaches Ethics and Policy in Criminal Justice and Methods and Techniques of Social Research at our off campus programs in Fort Dix, Blackwood and Mays Landing.
William Walsh (
James Williams ( obtained his Bachelor of Science in Psychology and Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Fayetteville State University in North Carolina. He is currently the Director of Racial Justice Policy with the Fair Share Housing Center (FSHC) of New Jersey.
Dean Wyks, J.D. ( received a bachelor of science in Criminal Justice from The College of New Jersey (formerly Trenton State College) in 1977 and his Juris Doctor degree from Temple University in 1981. He devoted his legal career to prosecution, retiring from the Atlantic County Prosecutors Office in January of 2006, as the office’s Executive Chief Assistant Prosecutor. He began teaching as an adjunct faculty member at Atlantic Cape Community College, in 2005, and became a full-time Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice there in 2014. He is now tenured and serves as the Criminal Justice program Coordinator at ACCC. He has been an adjunct for Rutgers University since 2010.
Emeritus Faculty
Myra Bluebond-Langner, Board of Governors Professor of Anthropology
B.A. Temple; Ph.D. University of Illinois
Email: or
Myra Bluebond-Langner retired from Rutgers–Camden in 2015 and is currently Professor and True Colours Chair in Palliative Care for Children and Young People at the University College London’s Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond Street Hospital. The first ever research chair in pediatric palliative care (, Dr. Bluebond-Langner was the founder and the first Director of the Center for Children and Childhood Studies.
She is the author of The Private Worlds of Dying Children, and In the Shadow of Illness: Parents and Siblings of the Chronically Ill Child, and co-editor of The Psychosocial Aspects of Cystic Fibrosis (with Bryan Lask and Denise Angst) and special “In Focus” on Children, Childhoods and Childhood Studies of the American Anthropologist (with Jill Korbin).. She is the associate editor of BMJ: Supportive and Palliative Care, serves on the editorial boards of Children and Society, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Ethos:Journal of the Society of Psychological Anthropology, andOmega. She is also the current and founding editor of the Rutgers University Press book series in Childhood Studies.
Professor Bluebond-Langner received the Margaret Mead Award from the American Anthropological Association and Society for Applied Anthropology in 1987, the Warren Susman Award for Excellence in Teaching from Rutgers University in 1990, the Charles Corr Award for contributions to the literature on children and death from Children’s Hospice International in 1997, the Research Recognition Award from the Association for Death Education and Counseling in 2000, and the Rutgers University Board of Trustees Award for Research Excellence in 2009.
Cindy Dell Clark, Professor of Anthropology
B.A. University of Pennsylvania, M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago
Cindy Dell Clark teaches introduction to cultural anthropology as well as courses in children and childhood culture, health, and illness. Dr. Clark conducts research that privileges the vantage points of children. She has authored or co-authored many books, including ethnographies about American childhood: Flights of Fancy, Leaps of Faith: Children’s Myths in Contemporary America, In Sickness and In Play: Children Coping With Chronic Illness, and All Together Now: Holiday Symbolism among Children and Adults. She has also authored a methodological handbook for child-centered inquiry, entitled In A Younger Voice: Doing Children’s Qualitative Research. An accomplished applied researcher, Clark has played a leadership role in the vital scholarly field of the anthropology and sociology of childhood; she has chaired the Child and Youth Section of the American Sociological Association and has served on the board of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (part of the American Anthropological Association). Dr. Clark is currently USA editor of Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. She has been guest editor of the International Journal of Play, annual editor for the series Play and Culture, and co-editor (with Simon Bronner) for the award-winning encyclopedia Youth Cultures in America.
Sheila Cosminsky, Associate Professor
B.A. CUNY; M.A. Washington State; Ph.D. Brandeis
Sheila Cosminsky retired from teaching at Rutgers–Camden in 2013. She taught cultural anthropology, food and culture, health and healing, women, men and culture and several courses on African and Latin American cultures. She has carried out anthropological field research in Guatemala, Belize, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Japan, and has published over two dozen articles on health, nutrition, and medical practices in these societies as well as a two-volume bibliography, Traditional Medicine. She is currently working on a book manuscript about birth and medicalization in Guatemala as traced over 35 years through the lives of two midwives, a mother and her daughter, on a Guatemalan plantation, tentatively titled: Maria’s World: Midwives, Mothers and Medicalization in Guatemala. She also conducted research on health and nutrition, especially child obesity, among the children of Hispanic migrant workers in southern New Jersey.
Ted Goertzel, Professor
B.A. Antioch; Ph.D. Washington University
Ted Goertzel retired from teaching in 2012. He taught the methods and techniques of social research course, as well as sociology of communications, political sociology, social movements, Introduction to Latin American Studies, and other courses. He is the author of six books, the most recent being, Brazil’s Lula: The Most Popular Politician on Earth, a new edition of Cradles of Eminence: Childhoods of More Than Four Hundred Famous Men and Women and Fernando Henrique Cardoso: Reinventing Democracy in Brazil. He is also the author of Linus Pauling: A Life in Science and Politics, Turncoats and True Believers: The Dynamics of Political Belief and Disillusionment, Sociology: Class, Consciousness and Contradictions (with Albert Szymanski), and Political Society, along with many articles and reports, including most recently, “Homicide Booms and Busts: A Small-N Comparative Historical Study,” in Homicide Studies.
Katrina Hazzard-Donald, Professor
A.B. Wilberforce; Ph.D. Cornell
Katrina Hazzard-Donald chairs the African American Culture Area for the Popular Culture Association and teaches racial and ethnic relations, Sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois, African-American culture, Introduction to Sociology, Contemporary Social Problems, and several unique courses, one of them entitled “Dance of the African Diaspora;” the other a course on “Africans and Native Americans.” She is the author of Mojo Workin’: the Old African American Hoodoo System, and Jookin: The Rise of Social Dance Formations in African-American Culture, and numerous articles on African American dance and culture. She has served on the National Endowment for the Humanities and is the recipient of the Henry Rutgers Research Fellowship, and American Council of Learning Societies Fellowship among other prestigious awards.
Drew Humphries, Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A.; D. Criminology, University of California, Berkeley
Drew Humphries retired from teaching in 2016 after serving as department chair. During her career at Rutgers–Camden, she founded and was the first director of the graduate program in criminal justice. She has published in the areas of crime, social control, media, women, and drugs. Dr. Humphries is the the author of Crack Mothers: Drugs, Pregnancy and the Media and editor of Women, Violence, and the Media: Feminist Readings in Criminology; and a special issue of Violence Against Women. Dr. Humphries received the Creative Teacher of the Year Award from the Office of the Provost (1991) and Distinguished Scholar Award from the Division on Women and Crime of the American Society of Criminology in 2003.
Jane A. Siegel, Professor
B.A. Drew University, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania
Jane A. Siegel is Professor of Criminal Justice and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education of the College of Arts and Sciences and University College. She served as department chair from 2006-2012 and 2015-2019 and has taught a range of courses in criminal justice, including the introductory course, juvenile delinquency and juvenile justice, statistics, white-collar crime and corrections. In Fall 2015, she taught the first Rutgers-Camden class based on the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program. The class, held at South Woods State Prison, brought students from the Rutgers campus inside the prison where they learned alongside individuals incarcerated at South Woods. She also taught a similar course at Garden State Youth Correctional Facility. In 2018, she initiated the ROSES at Rutgers-Camden program, which trains students to be advocates for girls in the juvenile justice system. Her research interests include children of incarcerated parents, families and crime, prisoner reentry, the long-term consequences of child maltreatment and juvenile justice. Her research in these areas has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Justice, the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and the New Jersey Juvenile Justice Commission, and has been published in numerous journal articles. She is currently principal investigator for evaluations of two prisoner reentry programs run by the Camden County Correctional Facility. Dr. Siegel has also been engaged in a follow-up study of the children interviewed for her book Disrupted Childhoods: Children of Women in Prison (Rutgers University Press, 2011).
Robert Wood, Professor
B.A. Harvard; Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley
Robert Wood retired from teaching at the end of the Spring 2009 semester, after a career at Rutgers–Camden that started in 1981. He is the author of two books and several dozen articles on development, globalization, sociological theory, international tourism, and the use of technology in teaching. Dr. Wood was the recipient of many teaching awards, including the Provost’s Award for Teaching Excellence, the Warren I. Susman Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Outstanding Contribution to Instruction Award at the American Sociological Association, and the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. Prof. Wood now lives along the Blue Ridge mountains in Virginia and invites former students to keep in touch.