Equal Opportunity in Camden?
Rutgers-Camden Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Spring 2005 Newsletter
Dr. Wood, Etienne Jackson, James Flatley
Sociology Students Present Their Research and Film at the Eastern Sociological Society Meetings in Washington DC
click here for details below
Fall 2005 Preregistration News and Advice Read this before you register!
Preregistration for the Fall 2005 Semester begins Monday, April 4th. All students are strongly encouraged to see a departmental advisor (in our new building) in planning their schedule. Here are a few Fall 2005 preregistration tips (click here for the combined departmental fall schedule): The Online Syllabi web page at the departmental web site contains links to more than forty course web sites in the department, and offers a great way to explore course offerings for the Spring Semester. All Sociology and CJ majors should take Methods and Techniques of Social Research (920:301) in the upcoming semester if they have not already taken it.This course is a prerequisite for a number of upper-level courses, and knowledge of MicroCase and the basics of data analysis are increasingly expected in all upper-level courses. Note: the methods course also fulfills the second math requirement in the CCAS curriculum. Sociological Theory is offered only in the fall. Please plan accordingly. It is generally a good idea to focus on required courses first, leaving electives until later. Sociology majors should take Introduction to Cultural Anthropology as early along as possible, as it is a prerequisite for other required courses. Co-sponsored with the Psychology Department, Sociology’s Service Learningcourse on “Bridging the Digital Divide in Camden” will continue to combine a Wednesday late afternoon seminar with 5-6 hours of fieldwork at Camden community centers and schools. The Summer Session 2005 schedule is available online for anthropology, criminal justice, and sociology. We are offering the largest selection of summer courses ever. Some of your questions about advising may be answered at our department’sAdvising FAQs web page
Sociology Student Filmmakers Present Their Work at Eastern Sociological Society Meetings in Washington DC
Taking up a challenge in Professor Wood’s Social Stratification course last spring, James Flatley and Etienne Jackson spent the fall and early spring semester creating a film to illustrate the journey down Germantown Avenue in Philadelphia, as described in Elijah Anderson’s widely-read ethnography, Code of the Street: Decency, Violence and the Moral Life of the Inner City. They each received a Dean’s travel award to present their work at the Eastern Sociological Society meetings in Washington DC on March 19, 2005. The well-attended session responded enthusiastically both to their film,Down Germantown Avenue: A Visual Introduction to Elijah Anderson’s Code of the Street, and to their discussion of the learning process entailed in making it. The film may be downloaded or viewed in streaming format at the film website. It will also be presented at the Undergraduate Research Poster Session on April 29th.
Dean Marsh awarded travel grants to both students
Etienne Jackson and James Flatley watch Elijah Anderson on screen
Jackson and Flatley describe film project
Service Learning Display
7th Annual Undergraduate Research Poster Session Set for Friday, April 29th Mark Your Calendar!
Mark your calendars for this year’s poster session, co-sponsored by the Departments of Psychology and Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice. All are invited, 12:15-1:30 in the Campus Center Multi-Purpose Room, and lunch is provided. All students are invited to bring poster presentations of research carried out during the current academic year. Students planning to make a poster presentation shouldregister online by April 22nd in order to be included in the printed program.
Walter Kim, Amy Sampson, Katherine Paulson
Masterton Awards To Go to Walter Kim, Katherine Paulson, and Amy Sampson
Congratulations to Walter Kim, Katherine Paulson, and Amy Sampson who will be receiving the department’s George Masterton Award in Criminal Justice, Anthropology and Sociology respectively at the Honors Convocation on May 18th. The award is named after the first chair of the department, and is given each year to students “for academic achievement, significant contributions to the University and larger communities, and intellectual promise.” Further details about the award, along with a list of past recipients, is available at the Masterton Award web page. All three recipients plan to go on to graduate study in the fall.
 Back row: LaShawn Anthony, Steve Sullivan, Michelle Connors, and Nicole Logan. Front row : Tiffany Hair, Denise Gilboy, Dr. Jon’a Meyer, James White, and Joe McCalla. (Click the image to see a more detailed version.) |
CJ Research Seminar Takes on Safer Cities Initiative
What happens when you mix eight eager students and one multi-faceted community research project? A new class, Research Seminar in Criminal Justice (202:410). Part internship and part independent study, the class has offered student team-members the ability to participate in evaluating the Camden Safer Cities Initiative, an initiative designed to address crime in our city. The team-members have been reading extensively about crime reduction programs in other jurisdictions and have assisted in the writing of two surveys and an interview schedule for the evaluation. They have surveyed residents in Camden City about fear of crime, their attitudes toward the criminal justice system and other key factors related to the initiative. They have engaged in multiple forms of data collection and entry; one team-member even spent part of his spring break entering data on a special project looking at curfew violators (another managed to complete 25 interviews with city residents during her break). In March, Dr. Meyer and a student team-member attended the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences meetings in Chicago to report on the initiative and its evaluation. Currently, the team-members are interviewing criminal justice and community decision-makers on the steering committee as part of the process evaluation of the initiative. Want to know their findings? Come to the Undergraduate Poster Session on April 29th, where they will be displaying posters of their findings.
Click the image to read “Encouraging Excellence: A Departmental Approach” in The Plagiarism Plague
Faculty Books Honored at Paul Robeson Library
Recent books by three departmental faculty–Gail Caputo, Ted Goertzel, and Jon’a Meyer–were on display at a Paul Robeson Library display and celebration in early March. To the left, Dr. Wood poses with Paul Robeson librarian Vibiana Bowman, whose edited book on The Plagiarism Plague includes an article he wrote about the ways our web-enhanced curriculum is intended to combat plagiarism by increasing both student awareness and academic skills.
Gail Caputo
Jon’a Meyer
Ted Goertzel
Work continues at 405-7 Cooper
Department Continues to Settle In at 405-7 Cooper Student Lounge and Computer Lab In Offing
Faculty, staff and students have all been expressing satisfaction with our new home at 405-7 Cooper Street, entered from the campus side through the porch shown in the picture on the left. While progress continues to be made, unfortunately the computer lab remains unfinished and the student lounge unfurnished. Our Open House celebration will probably have to wait until fall, but stay tuned just in case. Several classes have been meeting this semester in the basement seminar room.
Department Web Site Showcased in Online Journal
The online journal Innovate included an article about our department in its first issue by Prof. Wood, entitled “Scaling Up: From Web-Enhanced Courses to a Web-Enhanced Curriculum.“ To access it, you must register for free at the Innovate site (just unclick the box about promotions if you don’t want to receive them). It’s a good way to learn about how the department is using technology to enhance teaching and learning and what its website has to offer you.
The departmental web site is organized around its Departmental Homepage and itsWeb-Enhanced Curriculum Homepage, as outlined below. If you have Windows Media Player 9 (available on all campus lab computers), you may watch and listen to a “screen movie” tour of the web site (you’ll need to bring your own headphones if you use the lab).The Department’s Web-Enhanced Curriculum was an important factor in its receipt of the Rutgers University Programmatic Excellence Award in 2003.Check it out! Familiarize youself with the resources there! Comments and suggestions welcome.
Departmental Homepage
Online Syllabi & Course Web sites Masters Program in Criminal Justice Current Newsletter Faculty Major Requirements Minor Requirements Course Schedule Departmental Mailing List Masterton Award Advising FAQs Poster Session Album Faculty Resources
Web-Enhanced Curriculum Homepage Online Syllabi & Course Web sites Masters Program in Criminal Justice Current Newsletter Plagiarism Policy and Guidelines Citation Guidelines Table and Graph Format Library Resources Online MicroCase Resources Online Research Tutorials and Videos Virtual Tours Recommended Web sites Writing in the Discipline Student Research Opportunities Streaming Audio and Video Project
Dept. E-Mailings: Periodic department mailings about events and departmental news are sent to all sociology and criminal justice majors. To receive them, be sure that you have declared sociology or cj as your major and be sure that the email address you wish to use is registered at the Rutgers student directory. The list is more fully described at the department’s E-Mailing List web page
October 31, 2005 . Contact Robert Wood with comments or questions.