Better Late Than Never
Rutgers-Camden Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice
Fall 2004 Newsletter
405-7 Cooper Street from the campus side Our New Home (paint job coming)
Friday, October 29th was moving day for the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice, as it settled into vastly-improved quarters in the combined buildings that used to be 405 and 407 Cooper Street. A porch and a new main entrance in the back–and landscaping yet to come–will bring the building into the main campus courtyard. Not ready yet but soon to come are a lounge and computer lab for students. We want our new home will be a welcoming and useful space for our students. The new building will remain a construction worksite for a while yet, but by the end of the semester everything should be completed.
Learning to navigate the building may take a little time, since we are on two floors and the layout is not linear. Check with our departmental secretary, Sherry Pisacano, just inside the door on the left if you need directions. Here is the new office roster:
Department Office Sherry Pisacano |
Room 108
Myra Bluebond-Langner, Director Center for Children & Childhood Studies
Room 204
Gail Caputo |
Room 115
Cati Coe |
Room 214
Sheila Cosminsky |
Room 203
Ted Goertzel |
Room 110
Katrina Hazzard-Donald |
Room 102
Drew Humphries, CJ Director |
Room 116
Jon’a Meyer |
Room 207
Michelle Meloy |
Room 205
Jane Siegel |
Room 109
Robert Wood, Dept. Chair |
Room 211
Adjunct Faculty Offices |
Rooms 103,104,206 |
We plan to have an open house either later in the semester or early in the spring semester. But feel free to come visit in the meantime! Remember, the entrance is from the campus side, not the Cooper Street side.
Spring 2005 Preregistration News and Advice Read this before you register!
Preregistration for the Spring 2005 Semester begins November 1st. All students are strongly encouraged to see a departmental advisor (in our new building) in planning their schedule. Here are a few Spring 2005 preregistration tips (click here for the combined departmental spring schedule): The Online Syllabi web page at the departmental web site contains links to more than forty course web sites in the department, and offers a great way to explore course offerings for the Spring Semester. All Sociology and CJ majors should take Methods and Techniques of Social Research (920:301) in the Spring semester if they have not already taken it. This course is a prerequisite for a number of upper-level courses, and knowledge of MicroCase and the basics of data analysis are increasingly expected in all upper-level courses. Note: the methods course also fulfills the second math requirement in the CCAS curriculum. Sociological Theory is offered only in the fall. Please plan accordingly. It is generally a good idea to focus on required courses first, leaving electives until later. Sociology majors should take Introduction to Cultural Anthropology as early along as possible, as it is a prerequisite for other required courses. Co-sponsored with the Psychology Department, Sociology’s Service Learningcourse on “Bridging the Digital Divide in Camden” will continue to combine a Wednesday late afternoon seminar with 5-6 hours of fieldwork at Camden community centers and schools. The Winterim schedule for courses in Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice is available online. The tentative Summer Session 2005 schedule may be accessedhere. We are offering the largest selection of courses ever in both the Winterim and Summer sessions. Some of your questions about advising may be answered at our department’sAdvising FAQs web page
Dr. Caputo Publishes New Book on Intermediate Sanctions
Dr. Gail Caputo’s new book, Intermediate Sanctions in Corrections,published in its Crime and Criminal Justice book series by University of North Texas Press, is a path-breaking study of the new area of intermediate sanctions, which fall between imprisonment on the one hand and parole and probation on the other hand. Including such things as community service, boot camps, intensive supervision programs, home confinement and electronic monitoring, halfway houses, day reporting, fines, and restitution, intermediate sanctions provide a potentially more just and effective way of dealing with many legal infractions. Dr. Caputo’s previous research has focused on shoplifting, and she has been involved in both the conception and study of alternative sentencing programs.
Dr. Caputo’s New Book
Department Web Site Showcased in New Online Journal
The new online journal Innovate includes an article about our department in its first issue by Prof. Wood, entitled “Scaling Up: From Web-Enhanced Courses to a Web-Enhanced Curriculum.“ To access it, you must register for free at the Innovate site (just unclick the box about promotions if you don’t want to receive them). It’s a good way to learn about how the department is using technology to enhance teaching and learning.
The departmental web site is organized around its Departmental Homepage and itsWeb-Enhanced Curriculum Homepage, as outlined below. If you have Windows Media Player 9 (available on all campus lab computers), you may watch and listen to a“screen movie” tour of the web site (you’ll need to bring your own headphones if you use the lab). Several methods and MicroCase-related tutorials have been added to theOnline Research Tutorials and Videos web page, along with a streaming video by Dr. Coe on “Turning an Event into Field notes: A Ghanaian Example.” The Department’s Web-Enhanced Curriculum was an important factor in its receipt of the university’s Programmatic Excellence Award in 2003. Check it out! It’s there for you to use! Comments and suggestions welcome.
Departmental Homepage
Online Syllabi & Course Web sites Masters Program in Criminal Justice Current Newsletter Faculty Major Requirements Minor Requirements Course Schedule Departmental Mailing List Masterton Award Advising FAQs Poster Session Album Faculty Resources
Web-Enhanced Curriculum Homepage Online Syllabi & Course Web sites Masters Program in Criminal Justice Current Newsletter Plagiarism Policy and Guidelines Citation Guidelines Table and Graph Format Library Resources Online MicroCase Resources Online Research Tutorials and Videos Virtual Tours Recommended Web sites Writing in the Discipline Student Research Opportunities Streaming Audio and Video Project
Dept. E-Mailings: Periodic department mailings about events and departmental news are sent to all sociology and criminal justice majors. To receive them, be sure that you have declared sociology or cj as your major and be sure that the email address you wish to use is registered at the Rutgers student directory. The list is more fully described at the department’s E-Mailing List web page
March 28, 2005 . Contact Robert Wood with comments or questions.